Developing Countries – Off Grid PAYGO Finance

Home Developing Countries – Off Grid PAYGO Finance

Vireo Energy is developed partnerships with various entities in order to address the very important energy problems in developing nations across the world. We seek to provide access to clean energy through the pay as you go platform (PAYG, PAYGO).

With our experience and resources, we believe we can make the biggest impact by educating and developing existing distribution channels to promote and sell CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) products. We are partnering with impact investors providing more secure platforms for providing credit to the unbanked.  We are developing platforms for micro-finance of such items through pay as you go structures (PAYG, PAYGO).  Items financed include efficient cook stoves, solar lanterns, and low cost off grid solar home systems (SHS) with battery storage, LED lights and cell phone charging stations. TVs, water pumps, etc.

In addition, we help provide seed capital for these distributors through non profit VC groups around the world.

Please contact us should you be interested in helping!